Who is the broad-chested new horse at the stables? It's the mighty Belgian Draft Horse from schleich® FARM WORLD! Can't you picture this gentle giant pulling a wagon in the town parade? Or working on the farm at harvest time? Winter, spring, summer, or fall, the Belgian Draft Horse is a must-have addition to your FARM WORLD collection.
Belgian Draft Horse
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Who is the broad-chested new horse at the stables? It's the mighty Belgian Draft Horse from schleich® FARM WORLD! Can't you picture this gentle giant pulling a wagon in the town parade? Or working on the farm at harvest time? Winter, spring, summer, or fall, the Belgian Draft Horse is a must-have addition to your FARM WORLD collection.
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Who is the broad-chested new horse at the stables? It's the mighty Belgian Draft Horse from schleich® FARM WORLD! Can't you picture this gentle giant pulling a wagon in the town parade? Or working on the farm at harvest time? Winter, spring, summer, or fall, the Belgian Draft Horse is a must-have addition to your FARM WORLD collection.