The crazy labyrinth meets the open-world game Minecraft - The Minecraft Labyrinth impresses with game content that is designed entirely in the style of the computer game. In this family game, players are immersed in the world of Minecraft. Players wander through the maze, where everything is constantly changing. The aim of the game is to be the first to find a certain number of figures and objects. The 24 picture cards are dealt face down evenly between the players. First, everyone has to move one row of the maze before they can move their playing piece. The players take it in turns to try to reach the destination depicted on their card as quickly as possible. Special highlight: With the pickaxe, all players have the advantage of being able to dismantle a closed wall once and walk through it!
Ravensburger are one of the largest board game manufacturers, with millions of games sold worldwide. Our family games make ideal gifts for boys and great gifts for girls. Perfect toys for your child – Games for kids of every age help support a child’s development as they play, building skills such as concentration and creativity. Great replay value - navigating through labyrinth's ever-changing maze is different every time you play, meaning it can be played over and over again. They make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift