Embark on a mystical journey with our 750 piece puzzle, "Animal Spirit." This enchanting puzzle showcases a mesmerizing scene filled with the powerful presence of tigers, the graceful flight of birds, and the delicate beauty of flowers, all centered around a captivating magical eye. Each piece of this puzzle reveals intricate details and vibrant colours, bringing to life the ethereal energy and harmony of animal spirit. Our 750 piece extra large jigsaws are crafted with premium quality materials and measure 50 x 50cm when complete. Great for Adults and ideal puzzles for Children 12 years old and up. Fully complies with all necessary UK and EU testing standards. As well as being crafted using the finest quality FSC accredited materials, our 750pc large format jigsaw puzzles have pieces that are 30% larger than standard, so details are easy to see.
Bestselling puzzle brand worldwide - With over 1 billion puzzles sold, our jigsaw puzzles make ideal gifts for women, great gifts for men and fit perfectly on our puzzle board. #Positivelypuzzling - From fun family times together to long term health benefits and day-to-day mindful moments, there are so many positives about the humble Jigsaw! They make a great birthday gift or smashing Christmas gift